About Us

What is WishUrban?

WishUrban.com is an online marketplace focused on highlighting mom & pop small businesses as well as established brands.

What is WishUrban’s return & refund policy?

Each store sets their own policy with regard to refunds and returns. We encourage users to carefully review these policies prior to making any purchases. Sellers can be also contacted directly through their page. WishUrban may also be contacted by visiting Contact Us.

How do I become a seller?

Visit our “Sell on WishUrban” page. We have a strict policy for sellers and only feature brands we feel would benefit our audience. work with minority owned businesses and established brands.

What is WishUrban’s privacy policy and terms of service?

We take your privacy seriously and want to be clear on our terms of service. You can visit our Privacy Policy here and our Terms of Service here.

Does WishUrban own the items listed on the site?

No, WishUrban is a only a marketplace where sellers and buyers come together, all sellers work independent of WishUrban controlling their own pricing, products and descriptions.

 How can I report something including an order issue, infringement, bad seller interaction or addl. concern?

You can email us via our Contact Us page with the issue placed in the subject line. We’re a small but dedicated team.